Planning application submitted for affordable homes in Hexham

Housing Association submits planning application for affordable homes in Hexham

Castles & Coasts Housing Association (CCHA) aims to ease the shortage of affordable homes in Hexham with the submission of a planning application for 29 proposed new homes.

CCHA initially considered a much larger scheme on the site on north of Corbridge Road in the east end of Hexham. However, following advice from the local planning authority and community consultation, the proposal was reduced to 29 units; all of which will be affordable.

Subject to permission the development would provide much needed, low-cost, affordable homes, with a mix of one- and two-story properties with two, three, and four bedrooms, and a mix of tenures, including Affordable Rent, Shared Ownership and Rent to Buy. The new homes would be highly insulated and solar PV panels will be installed, ensuring those in the greatest housing need will benefit from lower running costs for their home, along with a greener form of energy production. The scheme would also provide electric vehicle charging points.

CCHA’s Property Services Director, Rob Brittain, said:

“These proposed new homes will have sustainability at their heart, with the specifications going over and above statutory requirements and aligning with the new Building Regulations. We’re committed to building high quality and affordable homes in areas where there is genuine need, and there is a considerable demand for affordable homes in Hexham.

Rob added: “We have collaborated with local stakeholders, partners, and communities, to ensure that we deliver affordable housing in a positive way that is appropriate to the site.

“At our pre-planning consultation in November 2022 we sought important feedback on the proposals from residents, councillors, and those in need of affordable housing. It was vital for us to seek these views, which have been used to inform the final designs and overall planning submission.”

CCHA acknowledge that the site lies within Hexham’s green belt and has taken steps to reduce the impact by retaining a greened frontage onto Corbridge Road, creating gaps in the development to provide views through the site, and setting aside an area for habitat and biodiversity improvements.

David Brown, Head of Development at CCHA said:

“Following the success of our 26-unit scheme nearby at Anick View, Hexham and a recent housing needs survey, we know that there is a significant unmet demand for affordable homes in Hexham.

“Developing new homes on green belt land is always complex and challenging. However, we consider that this small proposal of well-designed, high-quality homes, together with biodiversity and habitat improvements, strikes the right balance to help meet the people of Hexham’s need for more affordable homes.”  

The planning application has been submitted to Northumberland County Council and can be viewed on their website here
