Castles & Coasts Housing Association (CCHA) has published its first set of Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs), as shown below.
TSMs are the Regulator of Social Housing’s (RSH’s) new system for assessing how well social housing landlords with 1,000 homes or more in England are doing at providing good quality homes and services.
From April 2023, social housing tenants were offered this new way to give valuable feedback on the services provided by their landlords. Every social landlord has asked residents 12 ‘tenant perception’ questions on a range of topics. For our tenants, this was usually on the anniversary of their tenancy.
Adam Gould, Head of Customer Service and Engagement at CCHA, said: “We’re pleased to publish our first set of TSMs. As a housing association, we see them as really important for us and our tenants as a vital way to make sure we’re listening to their views on how we’re performing.
“With our on-going commitment to putting customers at the heart of everything we do, we will use these results and continue to work with our residents to keep improving services.”
Over the coming months we’re expecting the RSH to publish the results of the TSMs across all landlords. When this information is available, we will update our website to show you how our satisfaction results compare to other landlords.
TSMs have come about as a result of the government’s 2020 Social Housing White Paper, the Charter for Social Housing Residents.
The RSH is responsible for enforcing these standards. Please click here to find out more about TSMs and why they were introduced.