Drowning Prevention Week: stay safe in the water

Hopefully the weather will get warmer soon though when it does, people are often tempted to head into water to cool down.

It’s important to keep safety in mind, because unfortunately an average of 307 UK and Irish Citizens lose their life to accidental drowning every year with many more injured. 46% of drownings happen in the summer months and this rises to 75% amongst 13 – 17-year olds. Sadly cases like this have been in the news in recent weeks.

That’s why the Royal Life Saving Society UK’s Drowning Prevention Week, which runs this week, aims to educate people to enjoy water safely, keep their families and friends safe and to know what to do in an emergency.

They’ve put all sorts of helpful resources on their website and you’ll find some useful information and safety advice below:

  • Always supervise children around the water.
  • Swim with someone. Avoid swimming alone. Chances of survival are better if you have a buddy that can get help. You don’t want to go missing with no one noticing or even looking for you.
  • Avoid throwing sticks or balls near water for dogs, and never enter the water to try and save them.
  • Don’t drink and drown. Alcohol can impair your judgement, so don’t go swimming. Be smart - accidents happen in fractions of a second and nothing is worth losing your loved ones or having your loved ones lose you.
  • If you find yourself in difficulty in water, float to live. Resist the urge to gasp for breath and lie on your back with arms and legs spread. Move your limbs slowly to help you float. Once your breathing returns to normal, you can call for help.
  • Invest in yourself and take some swimming lessons. Equip yourself with the right knowledge and skills to save yourself or your friends/children/parents.
  • If someone’s in trouble, call 999.
  • When someone’s struggling in water, the instinct is to jump in and help but this can quickly lead to tragedy. The water is unpredictable and a rescue for one can very quickly become a search for two. Stay on land and call 999
  • Be a step ahead and be ready for what COULD happen.

Let’s help everyone stay safe in and around water this summer!
