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Tenancy & Useful Info
FAQ & Support
This section of our website is full of self-help videos, hints and tips to help prevent condensation and mould in your home.
We take ownership, we are ambitious and we are respectful. Read more about our values and the behaviours that matter to us.
Would you like to know more about the planned works we're aiming to carry out? These works include replacement bathrooms, boiler replacements, doors, kitchens, roof replacements and window replacements.
We are really pleased to share with you our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy.
We know that the cost of living is difficult to keep up with at this time. We can help with a range of support.
We've designed this website to be inclusive and accessible for everyone. Click 'Find out more' for details.
We are now inviting applications for funding from our Community Fund, which is delivered in partnership with Cumbria Community Foundation.
Click to go to our interactive web service, where you can view your own tenancy or housing application details online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Information about the homes we have available and how to apply
Guidance and information to help you manage your tenancy
Castles & Coasts Housing Association