The community day was part of the summer multi-agency programme of ‘Operation Respect’ events, which aim tackle anti-social behaviour, fly tipping and promote health and wellbeing within communities.
Throughout the day, colleagues from Lettings & Neighbourhoods, Income and CCS were joined by local residents and teams from Cumberland Council, Cumbria Police, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, Citizens Advice, Family Action Allerdale, local health services and Tivoli to litter pick, load up community skips, remove rubbish and promote health and wellbeing. Also in attendance was the newly elected MP Markus Campbell-Savours who had nothing but praise for the event! Dozens of local children mucked in to help and were rewarded with free ice creams.
Lena Johnson, Lettings & Neighbourhoods Team Leader, said: “We were over the moon with the large turnout from residents on the estate. Lots of them took the time to help their neighbours with the removal of items from their homes and gardens. It was wonderful to see all the kids out on the field where the event was held too, playing football and other games.”
“Fly-tipping and litter can really blight an area so it was great to see people getting stuck into making Harriston a cleaner community that we can all be proud of.”
After a successful day:
One local resident said: “I just want to pass on my thanks for today. Lots of people have said what an amazing day it was, people talking and helping. All the other agencies being there was really good - more people know what is out there for them. The work that was done has made such a big impact.”
As part of the Local Focus Hub, CCHA worked in partnership with Cumberland Council, Cumbria Police, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, Tivoli and other agencies for the event.
Click here to see more photos from the day.
There is more information about Operation respect on the Cumberland Council website here.